About KPF


Kalevi paluteder



KPF is privately held firm, currently operating in Estonia. The management has over 25 years of experience in plastic waste management and recycling. The main activity of KPF is processing residues of polymer production, mainly PP and PE, into secondary raw materials. Materials are crushed and and thermally treated with modern equipment: any gases in the melt material are separated, followed by filtering the material in two different types of filtration zones. The end result is granulated material, which is packed in big-bags.

We are happy to answer any questions or inquiries at:


We offer:


We advise companies that are getting started with plastic production plants, or have an already operating factory: consulting includes market research for raw materials and sale of finished products, helping to choose the right equipment, and guiding through starting process, as well as introducing a 24-hour production process to already operating factories. KPF is specialized in the processing of residues of polymer production, such as PP and PE.